Consider joining our Auction Committee this year! This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we can use lots of help! We will meet in early September to delegate responsibilities. There are many ways to help! Here are the specifics so far:
12th Annual St. John's Preschool Dinner & Auction
Date: Friday, November 6, 2015
Time: Beginning at 5:00
Place: St. John's UMC Fellowship Hall
Price: Adults, $10.00, Children 2 and above $5.00, Children under two, Free
12th Annual St. John's Preschool Dinner & Auction
Date: Friday, November 6, 2015
Time: Beginning at 5:00
Place: St. John's UMC Fellowship Hall
Price: Adults, $10.00, Children 2 and above $5.00, Children under two, Free